Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Finding The Truth

"If you call I will answer" -God

Sometimes we don't want to call on God. We want to be better, we want to be like him, but sometimes, in the heat of the moment, although we know that we should call on him, we don't. A part of us wants to the wrong. Although that may not be what you want to hear, it is true.

The truth can, and often does hurt. If your addicted to something, one thing that you probably don't want to be called is an addict. If you make a promise to someone and break it, I doubt you like being called a lier. One of the hardest things to do is break up someone. Saying the words, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore." can take forever to say. Most people avoid saying it till the last possible moment. The reasoning is simple, you don't want to harm them.

The truth is hard to take sometimes. Sometimes when we call on God, we don't want to hear the truth, so anytime we do hear him we call him a lier, or pretend we didn't hear. Sometimes, he may not answer immediately, whether it is because you're not ready to hear or you don't give him room to speak. This past week I exposed someone to the truth, showed them proof, and even though they couldn't deny what I said they still believed what they wanted to believe.

Some people we think are great, and would never do something foolish, end up doing just that. We see how they have there lives together and can assume that one little area of there lives, that seems to be easy to take care of, is good, but in reality is completely off.

The message is simple, we are not perfect. We will make mistakes, and we may have to pay for them. We will lie to our selves, but that does not mean we have to live the lie. If you are trapped by a lie right now, I urge you, tell the truth. The truth will set you free, but not just of guilt.

Something we have been lying about: What we think about.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Help me God I Need You

I needed help recently, so of course I went to google, but I did something a little different this time. I started by typing the word, "help" then, pressed space. Google tried to figure out what my next word(s) would be. The first result was me. So now the search was for, "help me." I pressed space again and the next word was, "God." I was surprised. So I kept going until it wouldn't give me any more suggestions. The phrase ended up being, "help me God I need you."


I couldn't help but feel the gravity of the situation. This phrase means that the most common search on google for people, when they are looking for help, is for God to help them. They aren't just looking for help either, they are humbled, saying, "I need you." This past week I had the privilege to talk to a young girl, who was looking for someone to talk to about her problems. I won't give her name or any details about her, but I did learn that this girl had recently had the urge to bring harm to her self. Even from my narrow view, my heart ached for this girl. I hardly knew her, but I felt the need to comfort her, to show her the truth of God's love.


I know far to many people who were in her position, too many people who were saying, "help me God! I need you!" If I could show you anything in the world, I would show you something totally not of this world. I would show you the love of God, so vast, so strong, and so overwhelming. I would show you just how valuable you really are. I would show you that if offered all the rest of the universe as compensation, including all the things that you place value you on, he would say, "I could never trade my daughter for such a small price! My son, you could never pry him from me with such small sacrifice!" I promise just this to you. God loves you far more than anything else, he is only truth, he is mighty, all-powerful and all-knowing. His love covers and protects you.


In my short years I have seen more than most have seen in twice my lifetime. Take the advice of this old man. Life is short, it isn't until the end that you realize what is important. Loving is the most important thing you can ever do. Check here to see some verses on love. I have hope for that girl. She promised me that she wouldn't do it anymore. I believe her, and I believe in her. I have hope for those people too. They are still here, they are still fighting it. They still solder on, leaning on him.


I guess I am leaning on him too. Just look at me, I started this post feeling like I was evil. Now... I feel relaxed. Who else could inspire this. My faith in him has grown, his words rest on my heart. They say, "I love you." They say the same thing when I am in trials and I wonder why. The words are the same when I wonder why I have received such a precious gift. When I am down, his words remind me of who I am.

I don't know about you but I am tired of stressing out about the things of this world. I give up. I surrender to him.
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Is Most Important

If you asked me what was most important to me, you may think you know my answer. Since I am a Christian you would say it was God. This is true but only in part. You see, it isn't that simple for me, yes God is the center of my life, I lean on him completely for everything. Well to the best I can, no one(save him) is perfect. The only catch is this, how could you put him so simply? How could I? To say that I center my life around such a simple word, it's foolish. However, thankfully God is far more than simple. You see if I were to choose a different word, one that better describes what I center my life around, I would say the word would be, "love."


Some of you just got a big-ol-grin across your face, others are a little confused, and some are even angry. Let me clarify... 1 John 4:8 (GOD IS LOVE). The reason I would choose the word, "love" over the word, "God" is because when people think of the word, "God" they tend to think religion, rules, tithing, confession, and how they are a sinner. I am telling you that this is just the devil trying to discourage the thought of God in your mind. The less you think of him, the less likely you are to follow him. I'm telling you that if you want to know what God wants his children to think of him as, it is more along the lines of compassion, a relationship, not rules but suggestions, not sin but forgiveness, interesting, complicated in a good way, universal, not bound by time or language, beyond anyones comprehension, forever lasting, what happens when fairy-tails become true, amazing, the one and only and above all else, the best. The best, not in just one area, but in all areas, not just at one thing but all things. To be something good. Can you think of a better word that we use to describe him?


The average bible says the word, "love" about 700 times, my version(ESV [click to view]) says it 771 times. Searches for the words like happiness, hate, sing, tithe, and greed all come up with less than 200 results, in fact some less than 30. So if you were writing a letter to a loved one, and while you were away you wanted them to do something or act a certain way, do you think you might mention that more often? Of course you would because you would try to get the point across. But don't just take my word for it read it your self, I'll even tell you where to find some of it (bottom of post). Now if God really is love, that mean love is also God, same with Jesus. If you added just the total of those 3 words in the bible you would come in the range of about 5903 ( [NIV]), not to mention their variants (such as agape, messiah, lord, etc.). To tell you the truth, I think he is trying to get into you. To get to know you. To have a loving relationship with you, not to be someone who you just know. Not to get something from you, he is God, trust me, he already has everything. He does all of this to show you that he loves you. All he wants from you is to love him in return, not just say it, but mean it. Stand firm behind it, do what he asks not because he makes the rules but because he asked you for a reason. Think of only the commandment not to have sex before marriage. If everyone followed that commandment alone and no other... think how fewer teen-age mothers there would be, how less abortions, less single parents, less divorces, less abused children. Take that in for just one second, one commandment that most of us disobey because the world says it would be stupid not to disobey it.

Reality (ending thoughts):

The world has a twisted view. They put a feeling you get, above the lives of tens of hundred-thousands. That isn't an exaggeration but an understatement. I don't think he gave us commandments to hurt us, I think he gave them to save us, to save our children, because... we are his children. And he loves us above all else, even himself, he proved that one by giving up himself on the cross.

1 John 4:19. We love Him, because He first loved us.

1 John 4:19, 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16 & Revelations 1:5
This is only the starting list, I suggest reading each in context.
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